
D.J.W.WebWorks provides interactive websites and, mainly, complex back-office applications. D.J.W.WebWorks is aimed at minimalism and functional simplicity, turning conceptually complex problems into a workable, user-friendly solution.
The technologies that are employed mostly for this currently (but always open for new developments) are: Laravel (php), Vue, SQL, and Tailwind.


  • Quintens (ISA)

    - Rebuilt entire ISA software from scratch; tables with millions of records, several thousands of queued jobs per day - a large application. Leading a group of developers to accomplish this before a deadline and currently managing further developments. (2019-present)
    - Self-learning algorithms for prediction of products. (2013-2018)
    - PDF-generator, App-development and user-management for ISA's back-office application. (2010-2013)

  • VisionEsta

    Webbased strategy management software. Besides completely developing the software, also participated extensively in the conceptual brainstroms. (2016)

  • Van de Velde NV

    - Rebuilt 3d-mirror software from scratch, using modern technologies such as Websockets, Vue and Laravel (2022)
    - Prototype-controller with GUI to control 3D-fittingmirror with synchronisation tablet and mirror, and multiple enhancements, currently in use at multiple shops from Amsterdam to Munich to Hong Kong. (2014) - Demonstrator-controller with GUI to control 3D-fittingmirror with synchronisation between tablet and mirror. (2012)
    - Accesible consulting of a large database and reading of the data. (2010)

  • WoonWijzerWinkel

    Several interconnected systems for energy-saving measures. For example: in store display; multi step form for home-inspections; back-office registration of leads and suppliers. (2018-2021)

  • Who'dWoD

    Very extensive registration system for gyms, fitness centers, CrossFit-boxes, etc. It is built upon the two basic principles of minimalism and user-friendliness. (2015)

  • Wandelpool

    Inherited legacy application and reworked significant parts of it while adding new features. Registration of users, hikes, payments made and more. (2014-2015)

  • D.J.W. Laan

    was born in 1992. In 2014 he received his Bachelor's degree in Philosophy at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, and in 2018 his Master's degree. He is currently completing his PhD in Philosophy on the subject of roads.
    All the while, since 2009, he has been working as a programmer and developing his more practical skills. Philosophy gives him the ability to quickly get an overview of seemingly chaotic situations and pierce entwined problems. Extensive experience programming allows him to translate highly abstract conceptual thinking into working, everyday solutions.


    06 - 570 73 570
    Deventer, Nederland
    KvK: 30283324